Monday, November 7, 2016


Headed to Fukuoka! 

Hello again everyone! Time goes by way to fast, I can't believe I'm already emailing again and next week is transfers already! Each transfer goes by faster and faster. This week was pretty good but before I get into that today for P-Day we are headed to Fukuoka to hang out with some other missionaries. We are going to go to the park, play some sports, eat some delicious food, and hang out in the city! I'm pretty excited for it all and the best part is, getting to wear normal clothes. Wearing a suit and tie everyday is nice but getting to throw a t-shirt and jeans on is way hisashiburi! Since we are going there though I don't have much time so this will be fairly short.

So this last week was fun but Halloween was pretty lame to be honest haha. We couldn't find a costume and we didn't have a branch party so we didn't do anything for it other than normal missionary proselyting at night. We did however go get donuts so that was fun. Starting off the week we went to Fukuoka for District Meeting and then after that took a stop at the Mission home and chatted with the Mission President and Mission mom. It was nice to see them and I'm glad were so close to them, Sister Egan gave my companion and I lots of American candy so that was a plus! 

The Fukuoka Zone leaders came down to Nakatsu and we went on Junkais (switch companions for a day) and it was way fun! We actually saw a lot of success together and on top of that Elder Wintercorn and I had a pretty solid week and made 7 return appointments. It's not a whole lot but each of them were all pretty solid instead of being kind of sketchy like they sometimes are. We taught Koshimichi (new investigator) and she is progressing slowly but still progressing. She says she doesn't want to join the church, but she is okay with listening.  We'll see about that haha, that's what they all say ;). For now though she's taking things slow and reading the Book of Mormon so it's going good. This following week we have quite a few teaching appointments lined up so I'm excited to see where it goes! 

Lastly, my companion and I have been running in the mornings. He is a former cross country runner so he runs like horse but it's been way fun to get some solid exercise in the morning. Just on Saturday we ran 3 miles together at an average of a 7:34 pace. That's not even fast and I was dead at the end of it haha. But other than that I'm just way excited to keep working with him! Elder Wintercorn is a stud missionary and is helping me out a lot. We will see what happens next week with transfers! 

That's about it for this week, sorry it's so short! I hope everyone is having a good time and enjoying the cold weather, I sure am! I'm excited for the all the Holidays coming up, especially Christmas. We just learned we will be proselyting all day long Christmas day and skyping the day after Christmas. That will be pretty interesting but I'm sure we'll see some miracles it being Christmas and all. I love you guys! Have a wonderful week! 


Elder Sherrill 

PS- Next week is transfer week so I will be emailing a day later than usual. Then the following week after that is Thanksgiving week and our pday has been changed to thanksgiving day. 

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